University of Applied Arts Vienna

Florian Bettel
Florian Bettel is a senior scientist at the institute of art sciences and art education, department of Cultural Studies. His work focuses on aspects of the history of technology, cultures of dwelling, sepulchral culture, as well as artistic and curatorial activities. Former occupations include: 2012–2013 senior scientist at the focus area Science and Art, Univ. of Salzburg and Univ. Mozarteum Salzburg, 2010–2012 researcher in the project “Living Rooms: The Art of Mobilizing Belonging(s)” (Vienna Science and Technology Fund).

Alexandra Frank
Alexandra Frank, Journalism and Communications/Philosophy Studies, since October 2002 at the University of applied arts in Vienna, starting as Assistant to Erwin Wurm at the department for Art and Communication Practices. Currently working at the department for quality enhancement focusing on quality development in teaching, research and administration. Responsabilities include the reporting on the artistic and scientific activities of the Angewandte (Intellectual Annual Report) and the development of the documentation tool.

Sandra Hauzmayer
Sandra Hauzmayer, bioinformatician and web developer, since November 2017 part of the project Portfolio/Showroom at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Before that, working in front-end web application development regarding a tool for the analysis of genetic mutations and on the development of a bioinformatic pipeline for metagenomics, master studies in Biology (2001–2010, University of Vienna) and Bioinformatics (2014–2016, University of Applied Sciences Vienna).

Andrea Klaura
jackie (IRL: Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura) has degrees in technical computer science from the TU Wien, in science and technology studies from the Univ. of Vienna and in IT security from the FH Technikum Wien. Besides her current work as a software engineer and her former engagements in IT operations, her main interest is bringing people and technologies together to create safer, more participatory and sustainable spaces for the adoption and creation of tools and techniques and the sharing of knowledge, with the aim to contribute to a good life for everyone. #morefunnotprofit

Veronika Kocher
Veronika Kocher studied Art and Design Education at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. After years of professional experience in data administration, process management and controlling, as well as specialisations in digital curation and digital library management, she has started working in the Department of Cultural Studies in 2020.
Within the Portfolio & Showroom and IMAGE+ projects, she supports the digital integration of collections oft art and cultural assets, its data modeling and the interface design. In her PhD project, she is working on the archiving, dissemination, and collection integration of the cultural asset of games and the research of the material culture of games.

Philipp Mayer
Philipp Mayer, Web and App Developer, working since 2015 for the base Angewandte at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, he is leading the homonymous department since 2022. He studied Media Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology and has over 18 years of programming experience working and freelancing for companies like Wunderman PXP and Limesoda on projects for brands like Ford, Land Rover and Microsoft. In his spare time he loves supporting artists developing digital art projects with technologies like Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

Wiebke Miljes
Wiebke Miljes studied Media Science and History in Bochum and Vienna. Following jobs at different cultural institutions, among others as the head of the international Videofestival Bochum, she began working at the University of Applied Art Vienna in 2015. At Support Art and Research, she is currently responsible for the development of numerous (research) projects as well as the Venice Biennale Archive Austria.

Marta Palandri
Marta Palandri, software developer, originally earned her Master’s degree in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (University of Vienna). In her free time she likes to explore the meeting point between literature and technology. She joined the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2020. Former occupations include software development in different burgeoning startups as well as creative work in advertising and media.

Bernhard Saltuari
Bernhard Saltuari, web-developer, studied Construction Design and Economics at FH Joanneum in Graz. He has several years of experience in web development at digital agencies focusing on frontend development and open-source content-management-systems. Since October 2019 he is working as a software developer on the Portfolio/Showroom project at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (dept. Support Art and Research).
basis wien

Helene Baur
Helene Baur, b. 1985 in Graz. 2006–2011 Assistant to Lioba Reddeker, founder of basis wien. Since 2011 management basis wien – archive and documentation center for contemporary art. 2012 founding of CATALOG KG with Verena Lindner and Andrea Neidhöfer, software for collection management and creation of catalogue raisonné; Together with Joachim Baur from 24.11.2012 head of the project ZOLLAMT –Musealisation as civilization strategy, Co-editor of Zollamt Official Journal (from 2017.)

Verena Lindner
Verena Lindner, studied business administration at the Karl Franzens University Graz. Since 2008 at basis wien, archive and documentation center for contemporary art in and from Austria. Until 2011 assistant to curator Lioba Reddeker in the art program HangART-7, focusing on exhibition production, public relations and collection support. Since 2012 Co-founder of the company CATALOG – software for the administration of collections and production of the catalog raisonné together with Helene Baur and Andrea Neidhöfer.

Andrea Neidhöfer
Andrea Neidhöfer, art historian (University of Vienna), 2004–2008 Shanghai, i.a. as curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai (MoCA Shanghai), since 2008 active at the archive of basis wien, support of projects for the conception of a new database and relaunch of the website, representation of basis wien at numerous conferences and in networks at home and abroad, since 2015 on the board of the AKMB (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kunst und Museumsbibliotheken), since 2017 contact for
Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities

Saranya Balasubramanian
Saranya Balasubramanian is a computer engineer at ACDH at ÖAW. She holds a master’s degree in engineering of computing systems from Politecnico di Milano in which she majored in sound and music engineering. She then obtained a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship to do her PhD in “Mathematical modelling of wind instruments” in the Department of Music Acoustics, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. She enjoys programming in Python and making beautiful data visualisations.

Matej Ďurčo
Matej Ďurčo, is head of the ACDH-OeAW’s technical working group “Tools, Services & Systems” and was one of the key figures in founding the institute. With formal training in computer science at the Technical University of Vienna, since 2009, he has been part of the Austrian research infrastructures core group. In his role as head of the ACDH-OeAW’s technical group, he has been coordinating the development of applications and the provision of services for the numerous projects of the institute and its cooperation partners.

Christoph Hoffmann
Christoph Hoffmann completed his education as a librarian in 2014 at the Library of the University of Vienna. After working as a systems librarian at the Austrian National Library and as a cataloger for the Austrian Workers Chamber, he joined the ACDH Team in 2015 as a manager of archival software. He is also engaged in Webdesign and Frontend-Development. As a philosophy student at the University of Vienna, he is interested in the epistemological implications of digital research methods in the humanities.

Karlheinz Mörth
For more information about Karlheinz Mörth visit ACDH’s Website.

Philip Röggla
Philip Röggla is a web developer with a focus on digital humanities. He studied musicology at the University of Vienna and attended the Digital Humanities Summer School in Oxford. He was the curator for new music and the head of the composer database of the music information center austria. He worked as a freelance software developer, primarily with clients in the NGO sector, and was employed at the Research and Development department of the Austrian National Library (Bring Your Project, Travelogues, Event Search API). Since June 2021 at the ACDH-CH of the Austrian Academy of Science.

Roman Țurcanu
Roman Țurcanu has worked since 2004 as a technical writer/senior technical communicator for several software development companies, key players in the field of data integration and electronic payments. In 2021, Roman joined the ACDH-CH (Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage) as a frontend web developer. Roman has a BA degree in Philology (English Language and Literature – Romanian Language and Literature) from the Transilvania University of Brașov (Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov; UNITBV).
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Bernhard Kurz
For more information about Bernhard Kurz visit the university’s website.

Michael Staudinger
For more information about Michael Staudinger visit the university’s website.
Bertha von Suttner Privatuniversität

Moritz Meister
Moritz Meister, MSc in Psychology, is working as a research assistant at the Bertha von Suttner Private University St. Pölten since 2021. His research interest focuses on cultural psychology, dispositive analysis as well as qualitative methodology around the analysis of digital user interfaces.

Aglaja Przyborski
Aglaja Przyborski, Univ.-Prof., habilitated cultural scientist, doctorate in psychology, psychotherapist and teaching therapist (APG•IPS), since 2019 at the Department of Psychotherapy at Bertha von Suttner Private University. Main focus of work: development of qualitative resp. reconstructive methods, media theory and media research, psychotherapy and counselling (research), cultural research: including wealth and city.
Participating Experts
Clemens Apprich
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Professor für Medientheorie und Mediengeschichte
Maximilian Bailoni
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Universitätsbibliothek
Eugen Banauch
Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Leiter Forschungsmanagement
Susanne Blumesberger
Universität Wien, Leiterin Phaidra – UNIDAM
Paolo Budroni
Technische Universität Wien, Universitätsbibliothek
Alexander Damianisch
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Leiter Support Kunst & Forschung, Zentrum Fokus Forschung
Andreas Ferus
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, interim. Leiter Universitätsbibliothek
Astrid Fingerlos
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Qualitätsentwicklung
Nikolaus Gansterer
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Transmediale Kunst sowie Kunst und Kommunikative Praxis
Martin Gasteiner
Universität Wien, Institut für Translationswissenschaft, Universitätsbibliothek
Ursula Gschlacht
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Universitätsbibliothek
Thomas Haselwanter
Universität Innsbruck, ZID
Sybille Hentze
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Leiterin Universitätsbibliothek
Birgit Hertel
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Leiterin Computerstudio
Florian Höbart
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Leiter Zentraler Informatikdienst
Gabriele Jutz
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Professorin für Film- und Medienwissenschaft
Ramona Kandinger
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Universitätsbibliothek
Peter Kartaschov
Katholische Privat-Universität Linz, Webadministration
Bernhard Kernegger
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Vizerektor für Lehre und Entwicklung, Leiter Studienangelegenheiten, Universitäts- & Qualitätsentwicklung
Peter Knobloch
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Industrial Design 2 and Computerstudio
Edith Leitner
Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Universitätsbibliothek
Veronika Litschel
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Qualitätsentwicklung
Astrid Poyer
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Projektleiterin Image+
Barbara Putz-Plecko
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Vizerektorin Forschung und Diversität
Eva Ramminger
Leiterin Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol
Daniel Revers
Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Universitätsbibliothek
Liddy Scheffknecht
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Kulturwissenschaften
Former contributors
Nirmalie Mulloli
Emilie Sengstschmidt

Supported by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
(Hochschulraum-Strukturmittel-Call 2016)